ulcerosas localizadas en diferentes regiones de la cavidad oral; así fueron identificadas lesiones Leishmaniásicas úlcerogranulomatosas en fagedénicas en mucosa y plano muscular; en comisuras, carrillos y orofaringe y vegetantes en paladar.
Palabras clave: Leishmaniasis Tegumentaria, cavidad oral, fagedénico.
This is a study of tegumentary leishmaniasis from patiens, whom origin was andean and mountain locations. They arrived Hospital 2 de Mayo with mucosal and cutaneous lesions some of them ulcerated and not ulcerated in the oral cavity. They were identified granulomatous leishmaniasic lesions in mucosa and muscle in lips, fornix and orofarynx, Vegetative lesions were found only in hard palate.
Key words: Tegumentary Leishmaniasis, fagodenic, oral cavity. |